Friday, July 25, 2014

Pork Chops and Spaghetti

There was a good sale on pork chops at our local grocery store, so I stocked up. Now I have lots of pork in the freezer and don't know what to make with it. I got on the internet looked up some recipes. This one stood out in particular because I really like Spaghetti and I had everything I needed and didn't have to go buy anything.


2 large pork chops
1-2 Tablespoons olive oil
3 cups (24 oz.) marinara sauce (homemade or purchased)
½ lb. spaghetti
Parmesan cheese (optional to top before eating)


Salt and pepper both sides of the pork chops, then sprinkle flour over them to lightly coat.

Heat olive oil in a large deep skillet over medium-high heat

Place pork chops in the skillet and cook until browned on both sides.

After they are browned on both sides, pour marinara sauce in pan. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook until the pork is done all the way through.

While the pork is simmering, bring a pot of salted water to a boil and cook the spaghetti.

By the time your spaghetti is done and you have drained it, your pork chops are probably done. So get your plates and serve it up!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Lemon Garlic Chicken

I've been trying out lots of different ways to BBQ here because 1) It's summer, 2) Because it's summer, I don't like to use my oven a whole lot, and 3) It's so good!!

I kind of threw this recipe together a few weeks ago and my husband loved it! He keeps asking me to make it again. So I thought I would share it with you. Sorry there aren't any pictures, but I didn't think to take them at the time I made this.



Chicken (I used 5 big chicken breasts and cut them in half... I can't remember how many pounds)
3/4 cup oil
1 cup lemon juice
2 TBS minced garlic
1-2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper


Combine all ingredients and marinade overnight (I actually ended up marinading it for 2 nights)
When ready to cook the chicken, preheat grill for a few minutes on high.
Place chicken on the grill and turn heat down to medium (You might have to turn it down a little more depending on how hot your grill gets). Grill on both sides until done.
I am not an expert on grilling, so I use a thermometer to check the temp of the chicken inside. It took about 10 minutes on each side to get to the right temperature.

Serve with a salad and enjoy!

Casandra's helpful hints:

Like I said, I am not an expert grill-er. But these are things that I have noticed while I've been grilling.
The less times I turn the chicken, the more moist it is.
Using tongs, instead of a fork, to turn the chicken tends to keep the juices in more.
I like to take the chicken off the grill and let it sit for a few minutes (like steak). It seems to distribute the juices all over.